Saturday, June 14, 2008

We Make This Look Easy!

Shane pulling through the stand start of Barfly, LCC

This was the my first go on this problem for the day. I was pulling through it strong when Scott snapped this picture. Not 2 seconds later, I was getting ready to top out and my hand popped off! Holy crap, talk about your life flashing before your eyes! This was one of the nastiest falls I have taken! Feet and hands to the sky, I landed square on my back! Thank goodness for the best spotters alive (Scott and Jason) and for our handy dandy crash pads. If it weren't for them I would probably be a pile of bones at the bottom of this boulder!

Scott (Shorty) stays strong as he cranks off the nasty gastone on Isabelle's, LCC

This was Scott's problem for the day. A killer V5 to work on until fingers are raw , which doesn't take long on this crystally boulder. (It's like taking a cheese-grater to your finger tips.) Well, after multiple attempts and limited resting, Scott looked awesome as he topped out on this classic problem.

J-Funk getting down and funky on Greasy Direct, LCC

Jason's crazy way of climbing these problems is always a spectacle watch! His energy is always hard to keep up with and it helps motivate all of us to keep going!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

A day at the crag!

Nothing like a RED slurpee to start out a day of climbing.

Make sure you have a spotter before you boulder!

Isn't A-Town doing a great job?

Shorty looking for his next problem.

L-Train on a traverse in the Gate area.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Aww, the life of a climber!!!

L-Train, Shorty and Funk in Joe's Valley

The '08 climbing season is officially under way! And this is my climbing POSSE!

L-Train on Lance's Dihedral in Little Cottonwood.

Shorty on The Buoux Problem in Joe's Valley

Funk on To Infinity in Joe's Valley.

Josh's first outdoor climbing experience!

Climbing the face in The Secret Garden, Little Cottonwood.

Shorty and Sam hanging out on A Bit Slopey in Little Cottonwood.

And look he even got his girl climbing!
Heather on Arete left in the Cabbage Patch area, Little Cottonwood.

A-Town chillin' at the crag.